Saturday, October 30, 2010

She Makes Over Lamps...

I saw this idea at Homebody - where she covered a lampshade in burlap.  I thought it was adorable and filed that in my "want to try that" brain file.

When I bought the dresser for my son, the guy that was selling it asked me if I happened to need lamps.  I said, "why yes I do but I didn't bring anymore cash with me".  But when he said he had 3 lamps with shades and would give them all to me for $5 I boogied up to the store and got the cash.

So today I went and bought some burlap for $2.99 a yard and got to work.

Check out this hideous shade...
I have to wonder who went out and bought this because they just LOVED it!?!

I laid out the burlap...probably about a yard.   Then, with my trusty hot glue gun, I wrapped and glued...

Until I had this.  I trimmed the excess and glued it in.  I wish I could have made it a little tighter but for my first try at this I am pretty pleased.

Now my desk has a much needed lamp. 
(notice my marketing text book laying there waiting for me to open it)
I am going to paint the lamp too but not sure what color yet so I just dusted it off and put it on the desk.

Lamp and shade $1.67
Burlap $2.99
New-to-me lamp...$4.66

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