Wednesday, October 27, 2010

McDonalds & Weight Watchers Wednesday!

Today I am writing from our local McDonalds playland.  The three younger chicks and I like to come here sometimes to do school so baby chick can play.  It is usually pretty quiet and Tabitha will have one or two other kids to play with; also leaving her older siblings alone to do their school work.

But there must be some sort of early release (from a preschool insane asylum) because it is deafening in here.  There is a good chance that this place has reached its capacity!

All sorts of animal, alien and flat out crazy noises are steaming out from the slide and plastic crawl spaces.  Tabitha, who is usually very social (and more aggressive) has come out more than a 1/2 dozen times to report touching, pushing and the occasional, "no one will play with me". 

What are they putting in this food?  If I didn't know better I would bet that a packet of sugar had been added to every bite of food that touched their lips.

I have decided the only fair and just thing to do is to add a pair of ear plugs and a Xanax to every Happy Meal...for Mommy.  ;)

I am going to need a nap.

I am happy to announce
I am down 1.5 lbs this week! 
Happy Dance!

Now that the weather is cooling off I have got to get my hiney out and start walking! 



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