Friday, October 29, 2010

It's Fess-Up Friday!!!!

Fess-Up: To recognize, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of: acknowledge, admit, avow, concede, confess, grant, own (up).

Today is sort of a confessional of a Homeschool Mother...10 truths I don't always reveal. :P

10.  My kids have never participated in a spelling bee, geography bee, science fair or the like. 

9.  I do not raise goats, chickens or any other farm animals.  I'm not always sure about the house pets staying. :P

8.  I have done school days in my pajamas (sans a shower) more often than I care to think about.

7.  We school year-round so we can take longer breaks when I'm burnt out.

6.  I do not stand up and teach anything.  It's a HOMEschool so teaching lectures don't really happen.  We tend to gather around the dining room table or scatter to a quiet corner of the house.

5.  I HATE teaching handwriting...there I said it.  If my kids can sign their name in cursive I feel I've done my job.

4.  If you come over to my house without calling first I probably won't let you in...because my house looks like a tornado with a 'tude went through it (twice).

3.  I don't keep a record of grades until high school.  My kids have to do the work over and over and over until they get it right so it would look like they had straight A's.  I have also never taken attendence. :P

2.  I avoid talking about socialization because it makes me want to strangle people.  I know it isn't very Christian or "pc" to say, but that's the truth.  I can't believe people still ask me about that.

1.  I AM NOT PATIENT, OR A SAINT...ASK MY KIDS.  Some days I think I'm 1/2 way to a padded room...somedays I want to be there. :P

A true likeness of me...well it should have red hair.

So there you have it.  I feel purged.  So what are you ready to confess today????

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