Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Funny thing happened at the Navy Recruiting Office...

This is one of those stories you hear about but it never actually happens to you...but this time it did.

My 17 year old son, TJ, has been considering the military on and off for the last couple of years.  Well he finally decided to take a leap and talk to a recruiter.

So Monday he makes the appointment and today I drive him out there.  On the way he complains of a stomach ache but says he is fine.  Like most mothers I suggested he try to poop, as that is the cure for all that ails you right?  However when we pulled into the parking lot he said he was feeling a little nauseous.  I asked if he was ok, he said yeah.  So I prayed for him and we walked on in...

TJ sat down with the recruiter and they went over a few points.  We were in one large room so I was only a few feet away watching and listening...  He looked as if he was mad or thinking really hard for about 10 minutes.  Then he asked the recruiter if there was a bathroom in the office.  Just as he stood up...


The other recruiters were scrambling to get TJ over a trash can while I am apologizing.  He continued to vomit as I was helping clean up.  Now right here is why I won't be getting mother of the year anytime soon...

I began to giggle, snort and giggle then full out laugh.  Yes, I laughed as I was cleaning my son's yak up, while he continued to yak in the Navy recruiting office. 

Well after the barfing ceased TJ cleaned himself up and proceeded to take the practice military entrance exam.  BTW he scored very high on it and they still want him to join the Navy! 

So that was the first part of the day; what lies in store is anyone's guess!  ;P


  1. LOL! I can't help it, that's so funny! And I tell my kids that all the time-are you sure you don't need to poop? At least you have a sense of humor about it!

  2. Uncle Sam wants you....and your lunch

  3. Well, After "I" finished puking Then I would have laughed!! I never was very good at cleaning that stuff!!!!

  4. Me either. But I think after 5 kids I've gotten a little better. :O



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