Thursday, July 28, 2011

A New Year - well a new school year


Ok, let me be clear - I do not believe in a zombie apocalypse, this is called humor.  ;)

I can't believe I am about to start my 15th year of homeschooling.  I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about my "calling" into my homeschool ministry, the good/bad/ugly of my experiences and defend the choice our family has made...but seriously that is so yesterday.  However feel free to e-mail or comment - if you are nice I might respond and if you aren't....

So this year I have 2 students:  Jorie who will be a freshman and Tabitha who is starting kindergarten.  It is an extreme but I think it will be fun and exciting!  I figure just when I am exhausted from discussing ancient times, literature and algebra, I can paste and paint with Tabitha!

So here are the logistics:

Jorie's Curriculum (Freshman)
1.  Tapestry of Grace, Year 1, a study of ancient times from Creation to the Fall of Rome.  This curriculum covers history/geography, english (literature & writing), philosophy, fine arts and government.
2.  Teaching Text Books, Pre-Algebra - it is like have a algebra teacher in the computer. I *heart* Teaching Text Books.
3.  Apologia General Science - a fantastic, Christian/Creation based science curriculum that is written to the students.  We are pretty free-form with science until high school.
4.  Visual Latin - This is new to us.  I actually found them on Facebook.  I will let you know how it works for us after a couple of weeks.
5.  Drama (Elective) - *draws in deep breath*  Yes my children are not always in the house as some would like to believe.  Jorie has been part of a homeschool theater company for years and will continue this year.  Sorry no link for safety issues.
6.  Photography/Yearbook (elective) - for the first time one of my kids will be taking a photography class from me and documenting their year.  Then we will put this together in a hard back book and have it printed.  I haven't decided if this will be an actual credit course or not - we'll have to see how much work and study goes into it.
Freshman Year - 7.75 credits

Tabitha's Curriculum (Kindergarten)
1.  Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons - So easy it is scary. 
2.  Abeka Kindergarten Math
3.  Tapestry of Grace, Year 1 - Tabitha will only participate in the lower grammar read-alouds and art projects.
4.  Usborne Science Activies V.2 - plants & air experiments that are fun for the 5-6 year old
5.  I am also putting together a Calendar Board like this one I found on Mama Jenn's blog.
6.  Lots of pasting, painting, coloring, clay, etc.
7.  Time4Learning - an online teaching tool that will supplement when I am working with Jorie and Tabitha needs "busy work".

We start August 1st - can't wait for the new year!


  1. I love this. You've given me some great ideas! It's scary to think about the very first time you'll start homeschooling.. Even though that's all I've known, and I know it backwards and forwards, being the teacher instead of the student can feel overwhelming!

  2. 15 years of teaching our kids and we are still learning how to do it better every year! Hope you have a great year! Looks like its gonna be a great one!



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